7. September 2019

Startup Vision FrankfurtRheinMain: Your Vote Counts!

We’d like to know what’s on your mind: What do you need as a startup to be successful in FrankfurtRheinMain? And what do you demand from local politicians?

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Tell us frankly by September 20th what you expect from the regional ecosystem. Together with you and the Round Table of Wissensregion FrankfurtRheinMain (WIR), we will develop a common vision for a strong FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem – and, of course, concrete measures to achieve it.

The survey lasts a maximum of 8 minutes – 8 minutes in which you can help to shape the regional startup scene. So let’s get started.

The vision will be presented on 14 October 2019 at the IHK Frankfurt am Main.

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