4. June 2020

Start-ups and industry gathered to discuss the work of the future

Even and especially in times of the corona crisis, the Frankfurt Economic Development Agency is looking ahead. Frankfurt Forward brings together start-ups, industrial companies and other experts on all aspects of the changing demands on the world of work and human resources.

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Under the title “HR Transformation”, Frankfurt Forward discussed the central question of what effects corona has on the current and future world of work and what established companies can learn from start-ups in terms of new work.

The evening also focused on the question of how recruiting and hr management are changing as a result of digital approaches, new working models and methods and shifting values – and how the players in the FrankfurtRhineMain ecosystem are dealing with this. Moderated by Manfred Köhler (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), Corinna Haas (Managing Director, inga GmbH), Stephanie Krömer (CEO of the Frankfurt/Main Employment Agency), Michael Müller (Member of the Executive Board and Director of Labor Relations, Fraport AG) and Daniel Wahlen (Senior Manager Employer Insights at Indeed) gave a keynote on “Transforming Recruiting through Data & Innovation”, providing insights into the different working days and daring to make prognoses for the (digital) future.

Oliver Schwebel, Managing Director of the Wirtschaftsförderung Frankfurt GmbH, commented: “Both industry and start-ups are increasingly relying on digital approaches in the search for and acquisition of talent. We are particularly pleased to see that many of the innovative solutions are being created directly in Frankfurt”.

The recording of the livestream is available on YouTube.

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