19. June 2020

Kick-off of the Frankfurt Idea Factory

With the Frankfurter Ideenfabrik (Frankfurt Idea Factory), the cross-sector think tank with a B2B focus in FrankfurtRhineMain, Frankfurt Forward is launching a new format for the further development of the regional ecosystem.

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This month Franfurt Forward launched the Frankfurter Ideenfabrik (Frankfurt Idea Factory). In this cross-industry think tank with a B2B focus, Frankfurt Forward brings together CEOs of established companies and start-ups as well as partners from FrankfurtRhineMain and creates a forum for lateral thinkers, aiming to foster the regional ecosystem.

The first session was joined, among others, by André Loesekrug-Pietri from the Joint European Disruptive Initiative (JEDI), Andreas Lukic from Business Angels FrankfurtRhineMain, Paul Jörg Feldhoff from Feldhoff & Cie. GmbH, Murat Karakaya from CargoSteps, Corinna Haas from inga., Rainer Lampe from Transformation Partner, Claudio Montanini from Marketing Club Frankfurt and Hamedo Ayadi from Intelligent DataAnalytics.

Click here for more details.

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