11. December 2018

Frankfurt Forward as innovative platform

As a project of the Frankfurt Economic Development – GmbH, Frankfurt Forward brings together young startups and established companies. Under the slogan “Matching @ Main”, the project connects two separated worlds and fosters innovation and digitalization in Frankfurt.

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Matchmaking @Main: Frankfurt Forward 2.0 is a new kind of economic development.

The program for startups, investors and companies fosters innovation and digitalization in Frankfurt. Following the motto “Matching @ Main”, Frankfurt Forward is the accelerator, matchmaker and central contact for the key players in the local ecosystem.

Frankfurt Forward brings together at one table CEOs whose everyday activities are worlds apart: CEOs of established companies meet up with CEOs of young startups in order to develop solutions to current or future challenges. A win-win situation for both: startups provide creativity and a wealth of ideas while established medium-sized companies contribute their network, experience and leading market position in their industry.

Furthermore, in several events, the visibility of local startups shall be increased while offering access to cutting-edge businesses models and networking opportunities to all three players of the local ecosystem. Highlight will be our event in October, where the local startup community will be the center of attention of the evening and the best startup will be selected as Startup of the Year in a public live voting.

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