23. January 2019

Field Buzz is the first Startup of the Month

The Frankfurt Forward jury has chosen the first Startup of Month. The social startup Field Buzz kicks off the competition. The software helps organizations to manage field operations in emerging and developing countries up to the last mile.

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CEO Alexis came up with the idea for Field Buzz while working in international development cooperation. One thing permanently caught his attention: Numerous projects and assignments are well conceived, but fail as soon as you try to scale after the manageable pilot phase and implement projects on a large scale in the field. Most organisations with geographically dispersed activities and staff in developing countries are still dependent on paper-based work processes. Data collection is often slow, non-transparent, error- and corruption-prone. Organizations find it difficult to grow sustainably to reach more people.

Alexis decided to take advantage of the spread of the mobile internet and the increasing availability of low-cost devices to enable organizations to more effectively manage their widely dispersed operations in remote regions and thus developed the smartphone and web-based software solution “FieldBuzz”.

In an interview (German only) with Frankfurt Forward, Alexis explains how Field Buzz works and talks about his lessons learned and the benefits of Frankfurtas business location.

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