
Startup declaration

Frankfurt Forward is the independent matchmaker and innovation driver for the FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem. In several online surveys and a workshop, startups from Frankfurt and the region described their wishes in regard to the further development of the startup ecosystem, and how concrete recommendations for action for local players might look like.

What we learnt from the last survey

Once a year, we survey the needs of Frankfurt’s startups and summarise the results here in four central topic areas. These clusters show where there is a need for action and how we can work together to strengthen the startup ecosystem. Click on the topics below to find out more.

The STARTUP DECLARATION is a working paper that will be continuously adapted to current needs and developments. All actors from the startup ecosystem are invited to take up impulses from the STARTUP DECLARATION and to derive concrete fields of action.
Version 2.0, March 2021

I. Founder’s climate

In order to promote the innovative strength and number of startups, the framework for startups in FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem can be optimized through the following measures.

II. Talent Incubator

In order to promote the innovative strength and number of startups, the framework for startups in FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem can be optimized through the following measures.

III. Network Region

Forward-looking solutions for the challenges of our time can be found in particular through cross-industry networking and an intensified exchange of knowledge.

IV. Financing

Forward-looking solutions for the challenges of our time can be found in particular through cross-industry networking and an intensified exchange of knowledge.