Startup declaration
Frankfurt Forward is the independent matchmaker and innovation driver for the FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem. In several online surveys and a workshop, startups from Frankfurt and the region described their wishes in regard to the further development of the startup ecosystem, and how concrete recommendations for action for local players might look like.
What we learnt from the last survey
Once a year, we survey the needs of Frankfurt’s startups and summarise the results here in four central topic areas. These clusters show where there is a need for action and how we can work together to strengthen the startup ecosystem. Click on the topics below to find out more.
The STARTUP DECLARATION is a working paper that will be continuously adapted to current needs and developments. All actors from the startup ecosystem are invited to take up impulses from the STARTUP DECLARATION and to derive concrete fields of action.
Version 2.0, March 2021
I. Founder’s climate
In order to promote the innovative strength and number of startups, the framework for startups in FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem can be optimized through the following measures.
1. Central platform
The establishment of a central platform as an information, networking and application tool for startups can provide great support.
2. Startup-Hub
Greater involvement of regional start-ups in public and company-initiated projects in Frankfurt and the region should be sought.
3. promote the ecosystem
The start-up mentality and culture of experimentation should be promoted among the players in the start-up ecosystem.
II. Talent Incubator
In order to promote the innovative strength and number of startups, the framework for startups in FrankfurtRhineMain startup ecosystem can be optimized through the following measures.
1. education system
The increased integration of entrepreneurship and STEM subjects - especially computer science - into the education system as well as the training of and access to developers is desirable.
2. EdTech
Modern educational technologies and digital educational tools (EdTech) should be integrated into the entire school and higher education system.
3. founder diversity
The promotion of start-up diversity, for example with regard to female and social entrepreneurs as well as sector diversity, would be desirable.
III. Network Region
Forward-looking solutions for the challenges of our time can be found in particular through cross-industry networking and an intensified exchange of knowledge.
1. Startup-Community
FrankfurtRhineMain is a region of short distances. This should be utilised to strengthen the exchange within the startup community so that all players can benefit from experience and contacts within the startup ecosystem.
2. access to established businesses
Access to established companies should be made easier for start-ups, e.g. with the help of innovative networking formats or customised placement offers. Medium-sized companies and industrial companies could be supported by an intermediary platform in establishing contact with start-ups.
3. dialogue with political decision-makers
Startups should be more involved in the dialogue with political decision-makers. The voices of young entrepreneurs should be recognised and included in political decision-making. Furthermore, the exchange between startups and politics should be promoted in order to explore opportunities in areas such as GovTech, Smart City, Mobility and Health Tech.
4. Internationale Partnervermittlung
Networking with international start-up ecosystems as well as support services for expansion plans abroad should be expanded.
IV. Financing
Forward-looking solutions for the challenges of our time can be found in particular through cross-industry networking and an intensified exchange of knowledge.
1. investors
In particular, the success stories of start-ups and successful matches from the region must be publicised effectively across all institutions. The aim is to attract the attention of national and international investors and get them interested in the location in the long term, for example through innovative event formats and presentation platforms.
2. evaluation of the startups
Cross-industry standards and criteria for evaluating start-ups can create transparency for banks and investors and, ideally, facilitate access to capital for young entrepreneurs.
3. financing chain
The financing chain for start-ups in the FrankfurtRhineMain financial centre for larger-scale financing should be significantly expanded.
4. public subsidies
Access to public funding for start-ups and the interlinking of public funding measures is desirable. New, innovative funding offers would also be helpful, such as direct participation in start-ups by public funding bodies with clear, standardised conditions.