Tuesday, November 8th 16:30 – 17:30 DE / 17:30 - 18:30 TLV
Grab yourself a coffee & get to know the International Matchmaking team. In our interactive welcome session, we’ll jointly kick-off the exchange. Our aim is to get to know each other better, to quickly guide you through the program and clarify open questions.
• Official welcome by Stephanie Wüst, Head of Economics Frankfurt Cityand Ofira Yochanan Wolk, Councilmember, Tel Aviv Municipality
• Organizer: Introduction Team Frankfurt Forward & Team Tel Aviv
• Startups: 30 sec. startup introductions
• Program: What happens within the next weeks and Q&A
Wednesday, November 16th 14:00h DE / 15:00h TLV
Panel discussion: Cooperating with Corporates
Panel discussion: Cooperating with Corporates
Panel discussion organized by our partner city Tel Aviv. Learn about the strategic, legal, and cultural aspects of cooperation with multinational corporations in a special webinar produced by Tel Aviv Tech and the Start Alliance of leading global startup cities.
Thursday, November 17th 16:30 DE / 17:30 TLV
How to scale a company in Frankfurt
How to scale a company in Frankfurt
Kompass will provide an overview on how to found and scale a business in Germany as well as on the main challenges and lessons learned.
Tuesday, November 22nd 16:30 DE / 17:30 TLV
Startup Ecosystem Frankfurt: Community Insights
Startup Ecosystem Frankfurt: Community Insights
The Frankfurt startup ecosystem comes together to have a discussion on offers and possibilities for startups in the region. We will deep-dive into the ecosystem´s structures and how the respective startup can benefit from these structures.
We’ll go into the specifics of Frankfurt, but also the similarities to Tel Aviv. Insights will be e. g. given by
• HugoPaquin, TechQuartier Frankfurt
• Carolin Wagner, Station Frankfurt
• Dr. Detlef Terzenbach, StartHub Hessen
• Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Ahrend, Hub31 Startup- & Gründerzentrum Darmstadt
• Tobias Kehl, Hessian AI Interested startups can register here.
Thursday, November 24th 16:30–17:30h DE / 17:30-18:30h TLV
ACCELERATOR SESSION: How to build and scale a company in Tel Aviv.
ACCELERATOR SESSION: How to build and scale a company in Tel Aviv.
Accelerator session organized by our partner city Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv unicorn – Perimeter81 founder will share his experience on how to scale in Tel Aviv Gaby Kaminsky, Managing Director at CityZone, will demonstrate how a living lab for people, local government, corporates and entrepreneurs tackling urban challenges and assisting startups to grow and more.
Thursday, December 1st 16:30 – 17:30 DE / 17:30 - 18:30 TLV
Panel Discussion – Ingredients for a successful Startup ecosystem
Panel Discussion – Ingredients for a successful Startup ecosystem
In an international panel discussion, we‘ll have a closer look at the Frankfurt and Tel Aviv approaches to innovation and strong startup ecosystems.
• Talent and culture: What is Chutzpah all about? How can a venture mindset be fostered or even institutionalized?
• Financial strength: Does the density of financial institutions, capital providers and corporates lead to a strong financing chain? What’s the secret to attracting international investors?
• Short ways and strong networks: How do we successfully convert contacts into clients, partners, and investors? How do concepts like startups meet middle class as well as mentoring boost innovation?
Tuesday, December 6th 12:00 DE / 13:00 TLV
Exclusive Highlight: CEO / VC Lunch
Exclusive Highlight: CEO / VC Lunch
In an exclusive virtual lunch, the participating startups from FrankfurtRhineMain and Tel Aviv meet an individually matched CEO/VC from the respective partner country.
Wednesday, December 7th 16:30–18:00 DE / 17:30-19:00 TLV
International Matchmaking Wrap Up
International Matchmaking Wrap Up
Step aside coffee it‘s time for some wine and virtual schmoozing. In our last session we will wrap up all the knowledge we shared and enjoy a special guest sharing its insperational talk on the strenght of communities.