CEO meets CEO
Meet the movers and shakers of tomorrow and established industry leaders on our exclusive platform. Here we promote the exchange of innovations and create space for cooperation between start-ups and established companies.
Frankfurt Forward brings together what belongs together.
We regularly bring together young start-ups and established industrial companies as well as investors, and not only in our jury meetings for the Startup of the Month award.
The focus is always on innovative, digital solutions.
In order to promote digitalization and innovative business ideas in the Frankfurt ecosystem, we also offer companies based here the opportunity to be matched in two different formats that are tailored to their needs.
In the 1:1 matchings, Frankfurt Forward lets experience meet pioneering spirit
and consistency meets inventiveness.
Our formats
CEO meets CEO extended
In a collaboration lasting several weeks, the startup and industry work together to solve a current challenge facing the established company
CEO meets CEO light
In a one-hour (virtual) meeting, we create the space for a 1:1 exchange in which all questions and topics are allowed: from pitches of current ideas, feedback on existing business models or brainstorming on possible collaborations and points of contact.
Who can take part?
Are you based in Frankfurt and currently looking for startups to solve a specific digital challenge for your B2B company? Fresh impulses and best practices from startups? Young entrepreneurs as sparring partners? Frankfurt Forward supports you in your innovation scouting. We look forward to hearing from you!
Are you interested in investing in young, innovative companies from the region? We can help you find the right start-ups. We look forward to hearing from you!
All B2B start-ups based in FrankfurtRhineMain that have already been on the market for 2-5 years and want to work together with Frankfurt-based companies on digital topics and solutions can apply. We look forward to your ideas and solutions for a strong Frankfurt!

Apply now!
Are you looking for a stage for your company? Or are you looking for support from established companies or investors in the region? Then apply now and become part of a regional network full of opportunities.
Thank you for your application!
We will now review your application and contact you by email.